I was dreaming, and in my dream there were people singing and yelling. It seemed like a large crowd. Then I woke up and found out that it wasn’t a dream!
Sleeping comfortably and peacefully is very important to me, especially when traveling. Wherever I’m staying, I’ll ask prior to arrival about any noise from the street, recreational areas, or nearby businesses, that might keep me awake at night. Even in some high class hotels, there will be sounds of street noise.
The small side street where Benjamin Franklin once resided, London
One time, I checked beforehand, and discovered that my accommodations were on a small side street. I thought that it would be perfect. But no one mentioned that there was a bar about a block away. At 2:00 in the morning on my first night there, I could hear happy, inebriated, customers with some singing at the top of their lungs, walking down the street!
Thank goodness that I always pack very good earplugs and a sleeping mask when traveling. So I immediately put my earplugs in my ears, and fell back to into a quiet, peaceful sleep! I highly recommend that you always travel with these items, whether you think you’ll use them or not. Be prepared, just in case! I have posted a link below in case you need to get these items.
Great site. Cheers for sharing.