Once in a while, you might have trouble getting the exact location or dates for your home exchange. But there may be homes that offer hospitality in the location you’d like to visit. Hospitality is where the owners are on the premises, but where they offer a room, or suite in their house, or may be an attached “in-law” apartment. On vacation rental sites, you will find that this too is offered and is also an inexpensive way to travel.
I used this one time when I was staying in a big city, in Europe. I wanted to take some time to travel to the countryside and tour that area. After establishing a good rapport with a fellow home exchanger, but discovering that the exchange dates wouldn’t work for her, I asked if she could recommend any moderately priced hotels in the area. I liked the small town in which she was located, since it was central to a few other towns which I wanted to explore. She offered me a hospitality suite at a very reasonable price. I had seen many pictures of her beautiful home and the gorgeous landscaping, which included a private pool. She also had a couple goats and some chickens (whose fresh laid eggs gave us a very wonderful breakfast each morning)!
Needless to say, I took her up on her hospitality and it was a wonderful experience! We had become friends, and she even met us at the train station, to guide us, in our rental car, back to her lovely home. She showed us where a local organic market was located, and gave us very helpful tips on the area. Each time after touring some remarkable site, I shared my experience with her and her family.
So hospitality offers can be a very rewarding and an amazing experience!
Hospitality is also offered on Home Exchanges
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